It cuts to my heart to hear about the loss that your family has experienced.I can’t understand or imagine what you’re feeling right now, don’t forget we love you and we’d always be here for you.Please accept our/my condolences, just know that we/I are/am here for you, and please do not hesitate to reach out, especially during this difficult time.Please accept my/our sincere condolences. May our Lord bless and comfort you and your family during this time of grief.I express my earnest commiseration to you and your siblings on the demise of your brother, you and your family are in my heart.May the love of family and friends comfort you during these difficult days, our/my most heartfelt condolences. Prayers and fond memories are what we have to remember our dearly departed.Deepest sympathy Your memory will never fade. Rest in peace Sending my deepest and most heartfelt condolences for your tragic loss. Rest in peace I feel your presence even though you’re gone. We wish you farewell in your journey to eternity. Rest in peace With a broken heart and sadness in in my soul I miss you more every day.
#Rest in peace quotes full
You were full of faith, courage, and strength. You are an inspiration to the whole world.

I can’t explain how much I’d really miss you.Please accept my/our condolences, he/she will not be forgotten. A person that departs from this earth never truly leaves, for they are still alive in our hearts and minds, through us, they live on.Wishing you a blissful rest in eternity Samuel. It is written, “it is appointed for man to die once and after this, judgment.” But this we pray that mercy reigns over judgment.Please accept my heartfelt sympathy for this unfortunate event.I never knew just how painful goodbyes were until death took you away from me.Please accept my sincerest sympathy to you and your family. It’s heartbreaking to think that he’s no more. With teardrops running down my face, I bid you farewell.You worked hard and always followed the path of honesty. You have accomplished many good things in life.You have always been an important part of my life. The loss of a friend like you is something that can never be recovered.May God rewards you a peaceful afterlife! Today you may be leaving this earth without me, but someday I will meet you there. We have always been together in good times and bad times.Here are some rest in peace messages that will help you to express your love and respect: Rest in peace messages and sincere condolences over the death of a loved one: