In the early game, crop science is everything. The more you put back into your farm, the more crops you can grow, and so on. The more you make, the more you can put back into your farm. Get the right combination of fields lined up and you’ll be making serious money before you know it. What’s going to make you the most money versus the amount of work required to turn the crop over? Use your Crop Calendar, consider the time of year, and how long it will take for each crop to be ready for harvest. Are you focused on grains, orchards, vineyards or root crops? What about flowers? Cotton, if you’re feeling brave? Your job then becomes a cost-benefit analysis. There are numerous crops in Farming Simulator 22, all with different growth requirements, all with different tiers of profitability.

Be aware of the type of fertiliser spreader you have, as not every model is compatible with lime. Fertiliser Spreader: This will help you fertilise and lime your soil.Doing so helps you avoid a yield penalty. Weeder: Weeds are going to grow in your fields.Once you’ve run the cultivator over your field, you can run the seeding machine to sow your crops and fill them with seeds. Seeding Machine: Exactly what it says on the tin.Cultivator: This will help you turn over your fields, tilling the soil in preparation for seed sowing.You’ll need more power as your farm grows and your crop yields increase.
You’ll likely upgrade your tractor several times over the course of any Farming Simulator 22 playthrough. If you aren’t, or you’ve decided to start from scratch, you’ll need to purchase these machines as you level up If you’re playing in New Farmer Mode, most of these will be provided for you at the beginning of the game.

There’s a list of machinery you’ll need to familiarise yourself with if you want to be a successful farmer.